Thanks for stopping by. Please note we have recently merged with Entourage Health Corp. and can now be found at our new home:

Come over and experience the Entourage!



  • We are committed to the principles of teamwork - interdependency, collaboration and support - and our individual responsibility to uphold those principles, to trust and respect one another, and remain accountable to each other
  • We work collaboratively to ensure a positive, productive environment, which encourages creativity, innovation, and personal development
  • We will provide an environment where each team member’s contribution is valued and encourage each to actively participate in group discussions, information sharing, problem solving, and decision-making



  • We will communicate in an open, honest, and professional manner with sensitivity, tact and discretion
  • We will model the kind of communications behaviour we wish to experience ourselves
  • We will practice the communication skills of listening, clarifying, and confirming


Decision Making

  • Each team member is empowered to make decisions based on our team principles of collaboration and cooperation
  • When group decisions need to be made we strive to reach a consensus decision that reflects our values and principles
  • Decisions, when final, will be supported by all team members



  • The management team will meet weekly and a dedicated recorder will keep notes and disseminate to all participants
  • Agendas will include update on operations, decision-making items, review of action items, employee relations and other information sharing
  • All participants will respect each other’s comments/ideas and the time to express them
  • We will start and finish on time


Resolving Issues

  • Issues will be dealt with in a timely manner with discretion and confidentiality
  • Issues will be approached with an open mind and with an empathetic willingness to understand each other’s perspective
  • Issues will be addressed respectfully, face to face, at a mutually agreeable time. If necessary, a third party may be asked to assist



  • We will provide an atmosphere of continuous learning and sharing of information among ourselves and with all staff
  • We are committed to our own personal development and to transferring our knowledge to others


Diversity & Inclusion

  • We are committed to upholding the values of equity, diversity and inclusion as fundamental to our culture and we value the unique skills, abilities and contribution of each team member